Team Development

As a DVCT-certified business coach and moderator, I support employees, management and entrepreneurs to build high performing trams, to implement necessary changes in a timely manner and to resolve conflicts sustainably or not even to let them arise.

dvct 2
The German Association for Coaching and Training e.V. (dvct) is the largest trade association for coaches and trainer in the German-speaking area with approximately 1,600 members.


foto goal"It is personalities, not principles, that move the age."Oscar Wilde, Irish author (1854-1900)

dvct 2 The German Association for Coaching and Training e.V. (dvct) is the largest trade association for coaches and trainer in the German-speaking area with approximately 1,600 members.

Purposeful in times of change
The digital transformation of the work environment requires all stakeholders to refocus and face future challenges such as increasing complexity in cooperation or to adapt more flexible working models and forms of leadership.

Employees, managers and entrepreneurs benefit from my repertoire of helpful coaching methods. In individual and team coaching sessions, we jointly reflect the professional challenges and widen the scope of actions meaningfully. Employees, management and teams will gain new energy and increase their performance.
  • ­­Coaching to deal with complexity, change and uncertainty
  • ­­Coaching to clarify roles, goals and to grow together as a team
  • ­­Coaching for sustainable conflict resolution and avoiding conflicts
  • ­­Leadership coaching for experienced or prospective executives
As a business moderator, I structure strategy meetings, workshops, etc., and efficiently guide both management and project teams to achieve their goals. In doing so, I actively involve all participants and secure the results for implementation. Thereby the participants  focus on the content and not lose themselves in endless discussions.

As a trainer
, I design tailor-made seminars and training concepts as well as trainer guides, align them with all stakeholders and also run seminars, workshops and training sessions on leadership, communication and conflict resolution as well as change management.

My values, attitude and approach